; This is the main file you will edit to add your machine code to the REM statement. ; You _must_ include the "entry_point" tag to point to the address which will called by the BASIC "PRINT USR" statement. ; The default code below is for illustration only, and can be deleted. ; But REMEMBER TO ADD THE entry_point TAG TO YOUR OWN CODE! loadmus EQU 55425 music EQU #8000 midscreen EQU #4800 data_start: ;if your routine starts here, move the entry_point tag here too dw lm1,lm1,lm1,lm1,lm1,lm1,lm1,lm1,lm1 dw lm2,lm3,lm4,lm5,lm6,lm7,lm1,0 entry_point: ;move this tag to the start point of your code ld hl, lm1 ld de, midscreen call dzx0_turbo scf ld a, #ff ld ix, loadmus ld de, 10109 call #0556 ld hl, loadmus ld de, music call dzx0_turbo repeat: xor a call music ld hl, data_start anim: ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) inc hl push hl ld hl, -1 add hl, de pop hl jr nc, repeat ex de, hl push de ld de, midscreen halt halt halt halt halt call dzx0_turbo pop hl jr anim INCLUDE dzx0_turbo.asm lm1: INCBIN lm1.zx0 lm2: INCBIN lm2.zx0 lm3: INCBIN lm3.zx0 lm4: INCBIN lm4.zx0 lm5: INCBIN lm5.zx0 lm6: INCBIN lm6.zx0 lm7: INCBIN lm7.zx0